Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Prayer Corner: Come, O God

A Prayer Corner: Come, O God: "Your Face is all lovely and Your Heart all inviting, but my thoughts alas! go wandering far from You.  Come, O God of my heart,  gath...

A Prayer Corner: Let Me Be Your Lute

A Prayer Corner: Let Me Be Your Lute: O Lord Jesus, I surrender to You all my will.  Let me be Your lute; touch any string You please. Always and forever let me make musi...

A Prayer Corner: Even Through Words

A Prayer Corner: Even Through Words: Lord, help me to preach the Gospel  everywhere I go,  and if necessary,  even through words.                                  ...

A Prayer Corner: A Prayer in Aridity

A Prayer Corner: A Prayer in Aridity: Dearest Jesus... I am now incapable  of praying, of practicing virtue. The fire of love seems almost extinguished. Yet you know ...

Friday, August 31, 2012

Crown of Roses: The Great Promise of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Crown of Roses: The Great Promise of the Immaculate Heart of Mary: I promise to assist at the hour of death, with the graces necessary for salvation, all those who, on the f...

Jezu Ufam Tobie: The Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Jezu Ufam Tobie: The Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary: "I will take Jacinta and Francisco shortly; but you will stay here for some time to come. Jesus wants to use you to make Me known and loved...

Friday, May 4, 2012

Crown of Roses: The Great Promise of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Crown of Roses: The Great Promise of the Immaculate Heart of Mary: I promise to assist at the hour of death, with the graces necessary for salvation, all those who, on the f...

Jezu Ufam Tobie: The Miraculous Conversion Story of Prisoner Claude...

Jezu Ufam Tobie: The Miraculous Conversion Story of Prisoner Claude...: The True Account of Prisoner Claude Newman (1944) by John Vennari, from the March 2001 issue of “Catholic Family News. ”The following t...

Jezu Ufam Tobie: Saint Joseph Prayer

Jezu Ufam Tobie: Saint Joseph Prayer: Saint Joseph whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the Throne of God, I place in you all my interests and desires . O...

Jezu Ufam Tobie: God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the c...

Jezu Ufam Tobie: God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the c...: Jacob was a cheater, Peter had a temper, David had an affair, Noah got drunk, Jonah ran from God, Paul was a murderer, Gideon was insecure,...

Jezu Ufam Tobie: St. Louis Marie de MontFort on the Blessed Mother

Jezu Ufam Tobie: St. Louis Marie de MontFort on the Blessed Mother: "If you put all the love of all the mothers into one heart it still would not equal the love of the Heart of Mary for her children.” “She...

Jezu Ufam Tobie: The 12 Promises of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Jezu Ufam Tobie: The 12 Promises of the Sacred Heart of Jesus: 1.) I will give them all the graces necessary in their state of life. 2.) I will give peace in their families and will unite families t...