Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Prayer Corner: Come, O God

A Prayer Corner: Come, O God: "Your Face is all lovely and Your Heart all inviting, but my thoughts alas! go wandering far from You.  Come, O God of my heart,  gath...

A Prayer Corner: Let Me Be Your Lute

A Prayer Corner: Let Me Be Your Lute: O Lord Jesus, I surrender to You all my will.  Let me be Your lute; touch any string You please. Always and forever let me make musi...

A Prayer Corner: Even Through Words

A Prayer Corner: Even Through Words: Lord, help me to preach the Gospel  everywhere I go,  and if necessary,  even through words.                                  ...

A Prayer Corner: A Prayer in Aridity

A Prayer Corner: A Prayer in Aridity: Dearest Jesus... I am now incapable  of praying, of practicing virtue. The fire of love seems almost extinguished. Yet you know ...