Sunday, December 29, 2013

ARREPIÉNTETE Y CREE EN EL EVANGELIO: Padre Jorge Loring S.J: La Sábana Santa

ARREPIÉNTETE Y CREE EN EL EVANGELIO: Padre Jorge Loring S.J: La Sábana Santa

Cassandra's Musings: The Children of this Time

Cassandra's Musings: The Children of this Time: I just read an excellent article about how our children are being socially corrupted in our schools, The Pagans are Happy to Socialize Your ...

Cassandra's Musings: Still Missing my Dad

Cassandra's Musings: Still Missing my Dad: My Dad died 3 years ago. I still miss him. There's an ache in my heart that comes whenever I stop and think about him. It hurts. I think...

The Eucharist - Jesus is With us: Litany to Jesus Present in the Holy Eucharist

The Eucharist - Jesus is With us: Litany to Jesus Present in the Holy Eucharist: We can pray this Litany slowly and focus completely on Jesus.  Avoid distractions and offer this prayer for our Priests.  Lord, have mer...

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Dumb Ox Writings: Fr. Pablo Straub on Fatherhood and Manhood

Dumb Ox Writings: Fr. Pablo Straub on Fatherhood and Manhood: Its hard to understate the role Father Straub had in my life.  I think its been a little over a month since he passed away, but his words s...

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Drink Deeply, My Daughter: Peace is More than Just Words: St Vincent's Take o...

Drink Deeply, My Daughter: Peace is More than Just Words: St Vincent's Take o...: Some famous Catholics, like Merton or Day or Francis de Sales, have written unceasingly about peace - both our need for it and how it fits...

Drink Deeply, My Daughter: The Sister and the Pelican: Loving the World as Je...

Drink Deeply, My Daughter: The Sister and the Pelican: Loving the World as Je...: A statue at the Colon Cemetery in Havana, Cuba Monument to firefighters who perished in the great fire of 1890 Sitting in a Communis...

Imprisoned in my Bones: Christ Within

Imprisoned in my Bones: Christ Within: Do you ever feel a rush of adreneline, one that comes upon you for no apparent reason, waking you up in the middle of the night, perhaps, ...

Friday, December 20, 2013

All Things Made New: Untier of Knots

All Things Made New: Untier of Knots: It is a 17th-century devotion that Jorge Mario Bergoglio discovered in Augsburg in 1986, a devotion to Our Lady the Untier of Knots – esp...

Natalie Grant - I Believe

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Dawn Patrol: Blessed in Bratislava: Notes from my first-ever sp...

The Dawn Patrol: Blessed in Bratislava: Notes from my first-ever sp...: One day in August 2012, an e-mail popped into my inbox from Father Josef (Joe) Hegglin, M.S.C., a Swiss German Missionary of the Sacred Hear...

Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Cloistered Heart: Veni, Veni, Emmanuel

The Cloistered Heart: Veni, Veni, Emmanuel: Painting: William Adolphe Bouguereau, 1888 This post is linked to Catholic Bloggers Network Linkup Blitz