Monday, November 24, 2014

Thursday, November 20, 2014


Karen Koskoff: A Secular Jew Who Became Catholic - The Journey Home (7-2...

Kissing the Leper: The Christian and how others view him

Kissing the Leper: The Christian and how others view him: artist El Greco "For his brothers and sisters around him, the Christian is a man who loves the things of this world as they really ...


HEATHER KING: THE HIDDEN, MISCHIEVOUS GOD: Every time I go to a new place, I make it mine by walking. I never feel properly settled until I

Cassandra's Musings: St. Francis spoke to the Sultan

Cassandra's Musings: St. Francis spoke to the Sultan: St. Francis was a man of action. He took a trip to Damietta, Egypt in 1219, during the Fifth Crusade to either convert the (Muslim) Sultan,...

Sunday, November 16, 2014

That The Bones You Have Crushed May Thrill: Full Prayer of Pope Leo XIII

That The Bones You Have Crushed May Thrill: Full Prayer of Pope Leo XIII: Prayer to St Michael (Full Version) O glorious Archangel Saint Michael, Prince of the heavenly host, be our defense in the terrible warf...

The Orange and the Green - Lyrics

Monday, November 10, 2014

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

That The Bones You Have Crushed May Thrill: Our Lady of Fatima: Miraculous Statues

That The Bones You Have Crushed May Thrill: Our Lady of Fatima: Miraculous Statues: A statue of the Virgin Mary and the Infant Jesus is set at a makeshift altar before a pile of stones that was the 180-year-old Our L...