Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Le Petit Sacristain: La vraie dévotion à la Sainte Vierge Marie

Le Petit Sacristain: La vraie dévotion à la Sainte Vierge Marie: « On n'entre pas dans une maison sans parler au portier ; eh bien ! la sainte Vierge est la portière du Ciel ». (Le Saint Curé d'...

Thursday, November 12, 2015

AtonementOnline: St. Frances Xavier Cabrini

AtonementOnline: St. Frances Xavier Cabrini: St. Frances Xavier Cabrini was the first American citizen to be canonized. She was a naturalized citizen, having been born in Italy. Her ...

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

*♣* Las Rutas de Angelica *♣*: Llamada de Emergencia. Oración para una grave nece...

*♣* Las Rutas de Angelica *♣*: Llamada de Emergencia. Oración para una grave nece...: Oh Divino Jesús que dijiste: "Pedid y recibireis; buscad y encontrareis; llamad y se os abrirá; porque todo el que pide recibe, y el q...

Monday, October 26, 2015

Teresa Higginson and the Sacred Head: Teresa Higginson's experience of the fires of purg...

Teresa Higginson and the Sacred Head: Teresa Higginson's experience of the fires of purg...: Bootle March 1883 First I must tell you that the fire of which I wrote seems to me to be purely spiritual, and I feel that without it I...

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Le Petit Sacristain: Dévotion au Sacré-cœur de Jésus : Don de l'Esprit ...

Le Petit Sacristain: Dévotion au Sacré-cœur de Jésus : Don de l'Esprit ...: EXTRAIT : "MANUEL DE LA DÉVOTION AU SACRÉ-CŒUR DE JÉSUS" Dieu, dans son infinie bonté envers ses créatures, ne cherchant ...

Le Petit Sacristain: Chapelet de réparation suite à un avortement

Le Petit Sacristain: Chapelet de réparation suite à un avortement: Nous avons rédigé ce chapelet pour aider les femmes qui ont avorté à prier et à réparer. Cette prière n'est donc pas officielle. ...

Le Petit Sacristain: Litanie de Lorette

Le Petit Sacristain: Litanie de Lorette: - Par quelle prière souhaitez-vous être honorée ? - Par les Litanies de Lorette. Lors des apparitions de la Sainte Vierge Marie qui...

Le Petit Sacristain: Litanie de Saint Michel Archange

Le Petit Sacristain: Litanie de Saint Michel Archange: Seigneur, aie pitié de nous. Jésus-Christ, aie pitié de nous. Seigneur, aie pitié de nous. Ô Christ, écoute-nous. Ô Christ...

Le Petit Sacristain: En union de prière contre les forces démoniaques e...

Le Petit Sacristain: En union de prière contre les forces démoniaques e...: Lune de sang (2015) Les sorciers commettent leurs rituels durant certaines phases lunaires, la pleine lune, la lune dite de sang, le...

Le Petit Sacristain: Litanie de Sainte Thérèse de l'Enfant-Jésus et de ...

Le Petit Sacristain: Litanie de Sainte Thérèse de l'Enfant-Jésus et de ...: Seigneur, prends pitié de nous. Jésus-Christ, prends pitié de nous. Seigneur, prends pitié de nous. Jésus-Christ, écoute-nous. ...

St. Olaf Choir - "What Wondrous Love" - Southern Harmony, arr. Robert Sc...

The Miraculous Crucifix - Quddiem il-Kurċifiss - Ta' Ġiesu Crucifix - Wh...

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Beautiful Gate: The Face of Joy

The Beautiful Gate: The Face of Joy: Christ and the sinner Look up, dear one. Your joy is not in the past that haunts you. Nor does it lie in the future that confo...

The Beautiful Gate: The Double Yoke Syndrome - Lack of Faith

The Beautiful Gate: The Double Yoke Syndrome - Lack of Faith: Photo source: Wikimedia Commons As long as I look at myself, my eye is filled with bitterness. But if I look up and fix my eyes on the ...

The Beautiful Gate: Trusting God with St. Therese - A Book Review

The Beautiful Gate: Trusting God with St. Therese - A Book Review: I love reading books about Catholic spirituality and every once in a while I'll come across one that stands out from the rest. Trus...

The Beautiful Gate: Blind White Martyrdom

The Beautiful Gate: Blind White Martyrdom: Wilhelm von Kaulbach If we could see what was going on in the spiritual realm that surrounds us I guarantee our attention would quick...

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Monday, August 17, 2015

Aug 14 - Homily: St. Maximilian's Greatest Work

The Eponymous Flower: Pray for Embattled Swiss Bishop Huonder!

The Eponymous Flower: Pray for Embattled Swiss Bishop Huonder!: Edit: Bishop Huonder has been a faithful Catholic bishop in German speaking Switzerland, possibly the only one. He's been featured h...

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Teresa Higginson and the Sacred Head: Prayer of Teresa Higginson for the spread of devot...

Teresa Higginson and the Sacred Head: Prayer of Teresa Higginson for the spread of devot...: O infinite Wisdom, boundless Love, how unsearchable are Thy ways! Make known, O Lord, Thy desire to have Thy Sacred Head honoured a...

Teresa Higginson and the Sacred Head: Litany of the Sacred Head

Teresa Higginson and the Sacred Head: Litany of the Sacred Head: Lord, Have Mercy on Us. Christ, Have Mercy on Us. Lord, Have Mercy on Us. Christ, Graciously Hear Us. God the Father of Heaven, Have Me...

St Margaret Mary Alacoque

Hilaire Belloc: The Great Heresies: Chapter VI

Hilaire Belloc: The Great Heresies: Chapter VI: The Great Heresies Chapter VI. The Modern Phase We approach the greatest moment of all. The Faith is now in the presence not of a par...

Friday, August 7, 2015

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

My Mother's Rosary: MY MOTHER'S ROSARY

My Mother's Rosary: MY MOTHER'S ROSARY: The Rosary will Begin by Clicking on the Proper Day of the Week at the Top of This Page.  O Mary, my Mother O Mary, my Mot...

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Mystics of the Church: Marie-Julie Jahenny, The Breton Stigmatist -Her li...

Mystics of the Church: Marie-Julie Jahenny, The Breton Stigmatist -Her li...: Marie-Julie Jahenny, “The Breton Stigmatist” by E.A. Bucchianeri Marie-Julie Jahenny [The information below is taken from   E...

Etheldredasplace: Memories of The Blue Rose

Etheldredasplace: Memories of The Blue Rose: As those who have been following my blog know well, I have a "thing" about roses, red, white, and blue. I have posted an ancie...

Etheldredasplace: Framing Prayer 9 Devotion to The Holy Face

Etheldredasplace: Framing Prayer 9 Devotion to The Holy Face: For decades, from 1979 to be exact, I knew and loved the great icon of the Face Painted without Hands , the  Acheiropoieta,  in the Easte...

Etheldredasplace: Happy Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Etheldredasplace: Happy Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe: Patroness of the Americas and Patroness of Life. Litany of Our Lady of Guadalupe for your private use only Lord, have mercy on us....

Etheldredasplace: On Graces Abounding

Etheldredasplace: On Graces Abounding: When Our Lady appeared to St. Catherine Laboure in 1830, she foretold long years of turmoil and even persecution of the Church in France. ...

The Guild of Blessed Titus Brandsma: Mary Teaches Us to Worship

The Guild of Blessed Titus Brandsma: Mary Teaches Us to Worship: This is an excellent homily by Fr Timothy Finigan of SS Austin and Gregory Catholic Church, Margate, Kent, given on 18 July 2015 at A Day...

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

That The Bones You Have Crushed May Thrill: Ite Ad Joseph

That The Bones You Have Crushed May Thrill: Ite Ad Joseph: St Joseph: Protector of the Universal Church I've been wanting to write a post like this for ages, because it seems to me there is s...

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Ynka Huasy - "Original Music From The Andes Vol 4"

The Cloistered Heart: Hide Me

The Cloistered Heart: Hide Me: Over these last weeks, I am appreciating more than ever the Refuge we have available to us in this torn, aching, wounded world.  If we don...

Monday, June 8, 2015

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Heaven,Hell and Purgatory .mp4

EndTimesWaiting: In 1948 apparition in Carmel Lipa, the Blessed ...


In 1948 apparition in Carmel Lipa, the Blessed ...
: In 1948 apparition in Carmel Lipa, the Blessed Virgin had spoken this message " Once again , I say to my beloved Philippines that...


EndTimesWaiting: THE VISION OF POPE LEO XIII: SATAN'S CENTURY: http://www.youtube.com/v/v_RGaFxdos8?autohide=1&version=3&attribution_tag=Pn48KjzmN-I0-hKdMyN_iA&showinfo=1&autohide=1&f...

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Our Miniature Homestead: Unethical Food Flavorings

Our Miniature Homestead: Unethical Food Flavorings: We've recently learned about the issue regarding food flavorings, and how those flavorings are being tested in certain companies. There&...

Sub Umbra Alarum Suarum: Seven Sorrows of Our Blessed Lady

Sub Umbra Alarum Suarum: Seven Sorrows of Our Blessed Lady:   This Sunday the feast of the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady is commemorated. Our Lady of Sorrows For those not familiar with this devot...

Sub Umbra Alarum Suarum: Something Jolly

Sub Umbra Alarum Suarum: Something Jolly: With today being Laetare Sunday and Mothering Sunday, my Irish ancestry (and my Catholic Faith) coming via my late mother, and St. Patrick&#...

Cuando No Puedas ir a Misa, esta es Oración para Enviar a Tu Ángel a la Misa

Cuando No Puedas ir a Misa, esta es Oración para Enviar a Tu Ángel a la Misa

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Friday, March 27, 2015

Speramus-(We Hope!): The Broken Heart of Jesus, the Merciful Saviour---...

Speramus-(We Hope!): The Broken Heart of Jesus, the Merciful Saviour---...: On the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Try to attend Holy Mass, and renew or make your  Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jes...

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Monday, March 23, 2015

La Espalda de Felipe: Oraciones por Mr Richard Collins

La Espalda de Felipe: Oraciones por Mr Richard Collins: Nos llegan noticias de que Richard Collins, de nuestro blog amigo Linen on the Hedgerow , se encuentra en gravísimo estado luego de una larg...

La Espalda de Felipe: Todos los Santos

La Espalda de Felipe: Todos los Santos: Litaniae Sanctorum Kyrie, eleison (Kyrie, eleison.) Christe, eleison (Christe, eleison.) Kyrie, eleison (Kyrie, eleison.) Pater de...

La Espalda de Felipe: Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, Auxilio de los Cristi...

La Espalda de Felipe: Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, Auxilio de los Cristi...: "La más alta ocasión que vieron los siglos" Miguel de Cervantes

La Espalda de Felipe: Benedicto XVI

La Espalda de Felipe: Benedicto XVI: Cuánta falta nos haces hoy

La Espalda de Felipe: Mary Wagner está en la cárcel

La Espalda de Felipe: Mary Wagner está en la cárcel: Mary Wagner es una chica canadiense cuya militancia a favor de la vida de los chicos no nacidos la ha llevado a la cárcel innumerables ve...

That The Bones You Have Crushed May Thrill: Important Women in the Church

That The Bones You Have Crushed May Thrill: Important Women in the Church: There are so many aspects to the 'women priests' argument that are at odds with the Church that it is difficult to know where to b...

Friday, March 20, 2015

That The Bones You Have Crushed May Thrill: Our Blessed Lady and the Eclipse

That The Bones You Have Crushed May Thrill: Our Blessed Lady and the Eclipse: I have been reminded by several people not to look at the sun during the eclipse to take place this morning. It is England, so it looks li...

Monday, March 16, 2015

The Dawn Patrol: Extra Peace

The Dawn Patrol: Extra Peace: Click the video to see me answer questions for the  Patheos Book Club . While I'm in sunny San Diego to begin my California tour speakin...

The Dawn Patrol: Welcome, New York Times Magazine readers!Here are ...

The Dawn Patrol: Welcome, New York Times Magazine readers!Here are ...: UPDATE, 8/9/13: The story is online and it is wonderful! Deo gratias! Will write more later. Original post follows: I've been told...

The Dawn Patrol: "Receive Healing through the Wounds of Christ"

The Dawn Patrol: "Receive Healing through the Wounds of Christ": An oldie but a goodie: Enjoy this clip of me sharing the message of my book My Peace I Give You: Healing Sexual Wounds with the Help of the ...

Life on the Rock - 2015.3.13 - Katie Schmid

Monday, February 9, 2015

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Sunday, January 18, 2015

En la Escuela de María: La Asunción de María, criatura humana como nosotro...

En la Escuela de María: La Asunción de María, criatura humana como nosotro...: B. Esteban Murillo,  La Asunción , 1670 Museo Hermitage, San Petersburgo        En el mes de agosto se mantiene en España una fiesta...